Former Guinean President Alpha Conde faces legal action

The Guinean judiciary has taken a new step in the prosecution of former President Alpha Conde by opening a judicial investigation against him and several former officials for alleged acts of murder, torture, abduction and rape.
This judicial investigation targets, in addition to Mr. Condé, who was overthrown by the military in September 2021, his last Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, his former Minister of Defense Mohamed Diané, as well as “several other” personalities, according to a May 6 press release from the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Dixinn (a Conakry suburb). The text does not specify the identity of the other personalities targeted.
The Dixinn Prosecutor’s Office acknowledged a request from the General Prosecutor’s Office which on May 4 asked for the “immediate” prosecution of a total of 27 personalities including Mr. Condé, a former president of the Constitutional Court, former presidents of the Assembly, a former Prime Minister and a number of former ministers, deputies and security service officials.
Mr. Condé, Mr. Fofana, Mr. Diané, and “others” are being prosecuted for “murder, assassination, complicity in murder and assassination, manslaughter, assault and battery, arrest, kidnapping, sequestration, torture, destruction and damage to public or private property, looting, theft, sexual assault, and rape,” the Dixinn prosecutor said in the statement.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia