War in Ukraine: Macky Sall in Moscow to “carry the voice of Africa’’

Macky Sall will travel to Moscow this Thursday, June 2. This is what sources at the presidency in Dakar indicate. The Senegalese head of state, in his capacity as current chairman of the African Union, is due to meet his counterpart Vladimir Putin, to “bring the voice of Africa” in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A conflict that weighs heavily on the continent’s economies.
The departure is scheduled this Thursday morning, towards Moscow. Macky Sall will be accompanied by Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairman of the African Union Commission.
According to our interlocutors at the Presidency, there is no plan to stop in Kiev in the wake: “A trip to Ukraine will be the subject of another sequence.
This trip to Russia, Macky Sall had announced during the visit of the German Chancellor to Dakar on May 22. “We want peace, we are working for a cease-fire”, “this is the African position” said the head of state.
While Senegal abstained from the first vote of the UN resolution condemning Russia, Macky Sall poses as a mediator.
The Senegalese president has repeatedly stressed the consequences of the conflict for the continent, including the rising cost of hydrocarbons, and the difficulties of access to wheat, largely imported from Russia and Ukraine. He should therefore plead for supply facilities.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had expressed to Macky Sall his wish to address the African heads of state. No details at this stage on a schedule. The Senegalese president should leave Moscow on Friday to attend the ECOWAS summit in Accra.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia