The Angolan President approved the opening of an additional supplementary credit in the amount of 2.7 billion kwanzas (5 million euros) for the repair and maintenance of the technical equipment and systems of the National Assembly building.
João Lourenço, in presidential decree No. 267/22 of November 21, already published in the Official Gazette, stresses that the additional credit in the General State Budget (OGE) 2022 “should be made available according to payment needs and cash availability.
The legal document, to which Lusa had access today, notes that the initiative of the Angolan President to meet the needs of parliament in this V Legislature is supported by the Constitution of the Republic of Angola and the Framework Law of the GSB.
The head of state had previously authorized an additional credit to the Angolan parliament in the amount of 51.5 billion kwanzas (96.8 million euros) for the expenses of the 220 deputies that emerged from the August 24 elections.
The consecutive additional credits to the Angolan parliament come at a time when the proposal for the 2023 state budget is due to be sent to the National Assembly for discussion and voting in December.
According to economic newspaper Expansão, the 51.5 billion kwanzas previously approved by the Angolan parliament is above that initially provided for in the 2022 state budget, which allocated 44.8 billion kwanzas (8.4 million euros) to the legislative body.
The publication said that each deputy elected to represent citizens in parliament will cost the state nearly 23.5 million kwanzas (44,000 euros) annually.
According to Expansão, Angola invests over 314 million kwanzas (590,000 euros) annually in salaries and allowances for members of parliament, excluding other legal benefits.