The Cape Verdean Prime minister yesterday indicated public investment, but also private investment, from civil society and international partners are essential to finance the policies of the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development 2022-2026 (PEDS II).
“It is an enormous challenge, it is not only a challenge to the Government, we will need public investment, but we will also need a lot of private investment”, stated the head of the Government, in declarations to the press, in Praia, after a presentation of PEDS II.
According to the Prime Minister, there is a part of funding that comes annually through the State Budget, because many of the programs in the document are multi-annual, and are already under execution. The Government also wants to involve the development partners, business investments and the civil society, which even if there is no financial impact, can have a transformative impact in several areas.
“But we do not focus only on financial investment, there is a lot of investment to be made in changing attitudes, a lot of investment in the qualification of our human resources, in adapting them to increasingly higher competencies, there is a lot of investment in creating a good business environment so that we have more and more capacity to attract investment, a lot of investment to be made so that civil society organizations participate more, that families participate more, with more sense of belonging and trust in relation to the future of the country,” he pointed out.
In addition, he mentioned that the Government will hold in April, on the island of Boa Vista, an International Development Partners Conference, where it is intended to make additional mobilization of the necessary investments.