Cape Verde’s President calls for a “global agenda” to resolve crises in West Africa

Cape Verdean President José Maria Neves considered this Wednesday August 2 that the solution to solve the problems of African states is not a military coup and calls for a “global agenda” to manage other crises in West Africa.
For the President, “the contextual complexity and the multiplicity of crises in West Africa demand a global agenda that calls for the cooperation of other institutions such as the United Nations and the African Union”.
In a message on his Facebook page, José Maria Neves “strongly” condemned the constitutional breakdown in Niger, considering that it is “essential to ensure a return to constitutional order”.
According to the President, “the crisis in Niger and in the other countries of the region will only be resolved through political-diplomatic means”. “It is necessary to mobilize all diplomatic resources and seek solutions to the crisis through negotiations, intense negotiations!”, recommended José Maria Neves.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia