Outgoing Guinean government secures €1.5 million in coffers to pay salaries

The Minister of Finance of the outgoing Guinean government, Ilídio Té, said Monday August 14 that he has left in the State coffers about 1.5 million euros that will be used, among others, to pay salaries to civil servants this month.
Ilídio Té was speaking at the transfer of files to the new Minister of Economy and Finance, Suleimane Seidi, whom he wished “luck”, leaving him the assurance that he will have available “money to pay salaries to public servants”.
The new Minister of Economy and Finance thanked “all the work done” by the outgoing team, and promised to continue “the good things and change the less good ones” in order to “continue to serve Guineans”.
Suleimane Seidi stressed the fact that he has been a “technician of the house” since 1989, having already passed through various services and responsibilities, namely Director-General of Contribution and Taxes and Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, twice.
On the current situation of Guinea-Bissau’s public finances, Seidi promised to first analyze the files and only then make a public statement.
The new Minister of Economy and Finance announced that the new team “has a lot of work ahead”, starting with the presentation to parliament, within 15 days, of a General State Budget (GSB) to conclude the remaining months of this year.
Later this year, in principle in November, the Government will present to parliament the Government program for the four years of the legislature and the GSB for 2024.


About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia