Guinea-Bissau government lowers fuel prices

The government of Guinea-Bissau has lowered the retail price of diesel by 10 CFA francs and gasoline by six CFA francs, it was announced in a joint order issued by the Ministers of Energy and Finance.
According to the order dated from Thursday August 31, the government measure was taken following recommendations from the Technical Commission for Monitoring and Reviewing the Prices of Fuels, Oil Derivatives and Natural Gas (CSRP), which met last Wednesday.
The fall in fuel prices means lower prices for public transport and also influences all economic activity in the country, says the government order, which also announces a ban on the street sale of these products.
Until Wednesday, August 30, diesel could be bought at the pumps at 760 CFA francs per liter and petrol at 808 CFA francs.
The reduction in fuel prices comes a week after the government reduced the price of 100% broken Trinca rice from 22,500 CFA francs (34 euros) per 50-kilogram bag to 17,500 CFA francs (around 26 euros).
The government promises to lower the prices of various other consumer products on the Guinean market.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia