Sharaf Mahama Emerging as Youth Voice in Father’s Political Machine

At a formal event introducing Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang as running mate to presidential candidate John Mahama for Ghana’s 2024 elections, a young man named Sharaf, Mahama’s son, was present in a reserved front-row seat. Beyond attending political events, Sharaf spends time playing or watching soccer and meeting with top party officials like former minority leader Haruna Iddrisu to discuss things like promoting football in the Northern region and rallying youth support for the NDC’s campaign.
Some analysts speculate Mahama may be grooming Sharaf for future political roles. While unconventional for children of politicians to be so involved in campaigns in Ghana, some think Sharaf’s activities could help the NDC gain votes in the crucial upcoming elections. However, a political researcher at the University of Ghana expressed doubt that Sharaf’s involvement would boost the NDC’s support, arguing his participation is irregular and could create internal party tensions by giving him an unfair advantage if politics is seen as hereditary.
Countering the skepticism, a grassroots NDC leader praised Sharaf’s humble personality and connection with diverse young people, saying his work benefits the party and makes youth want to vote NDC because of him. Though critics have called out Sharaf for flaunting wealth on Instagram, his political influence appears to be growing. One activist noted Sharaf is gaining attention through his active involvement, potentially paving the way for major future political roles, though the impact on the 2024 elections and beyond remains to be seen.