UN Report Implicates Uganda in Supporting Congo’s M23 Rebels

A United Nations report has alleged that the Ugandan army has provided support to the M23 rebel group operating in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This revelation adds a new dimension to the complex conflict in the region, where Rwanda has long been accused of backing the M23.

The report claims that Uganda has allowed M23 and Rwandan Defense Forces troops to use its territory. It also alleges that Ugandan military and intelligence officials have actively supported M23, with rebel leaders traveling to Uganda for meetings. Uganda has vehemently denied these allegations, asserting its commitment to regional stability.

The M23, a Tutsi-led group, has been waging a renewed insurgency in eastern Congo since 2022, causing significant displacement and humanitarian concerns. The UN report estimates that 3,000-4,000 Rwandan soldiers are fighting alongside M23 against Congolese forces.

Rwanda, in response, accuses Congo of supporting the FDLR, a Hutu rebel group that has attacked Tutsis in both countries. This web of accusations and counter-accusations underscores the intricate nature of the conflict and the challenges in achieving lasting peace in the region.

The report’s findings could have significant implications for regional dynamics and international efforts to stabilize eastern Congo.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia