Namibia changes its visa policy

Namibia has decided to change its visa policy for some 30 countries, invoking lack of reciprocity and complications for Namibians to obtain costly visas to travel to the countries concerned.

In this connection, authorities announced that from April next year, citizens of some 30 countries who previously didn’t need a visa to visit Namibia on a short-term basis will now have to obtain one on arrival.

The government justified this change in policy in order to “ensure parity and fairness in diplomatic interactions.”

However, the decision taken few days ago has triggered debate within the tourism sector.

Among the countries concerned are Germany, France and the United Kingdom, all European states with a significant influence on Namibia’s tourism sector.

Analysts, including Eben de Klerk, of the local think-tank Economy Policy Research Association (EPRA), warned of the consequences the decision could have on the economy.