The Gabonese Refinery Company loss 10 billion FCFA

Institut-du-Gaz-et-du-PetroleThe workers of the Gabonese refinery company (Sogara) have began on the 2nd December a strike that has caused a loss of 10 billion FCFA, according to the general secretary of the Gabonese Refining Company (Sogara).

Since the launching of the strike in the oil sector, things went wrong in the Gabonese Refining Company (Sogara). This structure which undergoes the strike of the Organization of Oil Employees (Onep) recently reported a significant drop in their revenue.

According to Pierre-Reteno Ndiaye, the general secretary of Sogara, the losses of the company amounted recent weeks about 10 million FCFA. This blow has been regretted by the general secretary of Sogara who suggested that since the launch of the strike, the company’s production machinery has completely stopped working.

Thus, according toPierre-Reteno Ndiaye,it is notless than 400million FCFAthatSogara has been losingeachday of the strike. This situationis notto consolidatethe achievements of thecompany whichalready is victimof poor resultsin the year2014.To this end of year, reports the Gabonese daily newspaper “L’Union” (No.11719), “In estimations before the strike for the year2014,oneof the worstin terms ofavailabilityof the company(more than 2 months of cumulativejudgment)was at least12 billion FCFA. “Butthe strikehelping Sogara to record a deficitof18 billionFCFA. This result has “seriouslyjeopardized thelife of the company.” Said Pierre-Reteno Ndiaye, the generalsecretary of Sogara.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4478 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network