Nigeria: First test tube baby to study medicine in Hungary

Nigeria’s first test tube baby, Miss Hannatu Kupchi, has secured admission into a Hungarian University to study medicine, the Nigerian newspaper, “The Nation”, reported on Tuesday.

The medical doctor that supervised the first IVF experiment in Nigeria, Dr. Ibrahim Wada, said Miss Kupchi’s birth on February 11, 1998 at Nisa Premier Hospital in Abuja, signaled a significant milestone in medical practice in Nigeria, a feat which opened the gateway to many such scientifically-aided child deliveries in the country.

“When I was out of this country, I knew there were people who wanted babies. I made the decision to come back to Nigeria to help people. It happened on February 11, 1998 when this historic event occurred in this hospital,” Dr. Ibrahim Wada said during a brief reception and presentation of an award to Kupchi.

Dr Ibrahim Wada stated that the baby of that historic day is going to become a doctor.

“I want to assure you (Hannatu) that after graduation, there is an automatic employment for you,” he promised.

Receiving the award, Kupchi promised to break barriers and become a doctor with genealogy and obstetrics specialization to help families and parents who are unable to give birth through the traditional means.

Kupchi’s father, Mr. Hosea Kupchi, said they came to the hospital after 13 years of marriage without a child having gone through the orthodox method without any success.

“Along the line, my sister-in-law told me that there was one Dr. Wada that had been helping couples. That is how we came here,” he remembered.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia