Algeria reinforces security at its borders

Frontieres-tunisie-algerieAmidst rising tensions in Tunisia and insecurity along its border with Algeria, authorities in Algiers have decided to increase their vigilance as cautionary measures.  Daho Ould Kabila, Algeria’s Interior Minister said they have increased their presence and military apparatus “because of the troubles that Tunisia is going through.”
Eight Tunisian soldiers who were part of a search team for armed groups near the Chaambui Mountain were found slain at the beginning of the week. The area was demarcated for thorough searching after explosive devices claimed the lives of several security forces and wounded many. It is highly believed that Islamist militant groups are behind the attacks.
The mountain is not far from the Algeria’s eastern border with Tunisia. Minister Kabila said the government has decided to act in anticipation to avoid any spillover of violence into Algeria.
Some officials in Tunisia hold Algerian Islamist groups responsible for the attacks. They claim that the attacks are cross border attacks. Reports have stated that radical Islamist groups are still active in Algeria.
The minister strongly denied such allegations and described the attacks as “the base act of terrorism.” The spokesman of the foreign ministry, Amar Belani, added his voice to the Minister Kabila’s in refuting the allegations. He termed them as “false” before blaming “certain circles in Tunisia” for being behind efforts to tarnish the image of Algeria and its relationship with Tunisia. Belani went to say that such circles are willing to “deceive the Tunisian people as they are mobilizing to unite against terrorism.”
Although Tunisia, Libya and Algeria have established cross-border cooperation, the killings which occurred at the end of last month will oblige the authorities to boost their efforts.