Mali: Authorities finally unveil measures decided to combat the spread of Covid-19

Finally, we know the measures decided by the authorities to combat the spread of Covid-19. After President Bah N’Daw’s speech was announced and then cancelled at the last moment on Monday evening, a Higher Council of National Defence finally met Tuesday afternoon at the Koulouba Palace. In the end it is a bit like the mountain giving birth to a mouse.
None of the drastic measures initially envisaged have been adopted… No curfews, no closure of schools, restaurants or markets.
What was finally decided were simple “reinforcements” of the measures already in place: strengthening prevention in public spaces, through hand washing, reinforcing surveillance and screening, raising awareness and building capacity to care for the sick.
The authorities are choosing the soft way to try to limit the spread of the coronavirus, which has accelerated in recent days. There are no restrictive or binding measures. This is what the Malians have been waiting for. And this is undoubtedly what prevailed when they made these choices. The text of the speech to be delivered by the president on Monday evening had “leaked” before it was broadcast, and the measures envisaged immediately raised fears, particularly on the economic front.
This spectacular turnaround can be seen as the mark of unpreparedness, a navigation in sight of the authorities, who radically change their strategy overnight. It can also be seen as a mark of listening and attention. The authorities finally conformed to the expectations of public opinion, thus avoiding a new front of protest. In this already socially charged period, with a series of strikes, and politically, with the still awaited and still controversial installation of the future National Transition Council.

About Geraldine Boechat 2805 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia