Chad: U.S. Embassy Invites Opponent Succès Masra to leave the premises

The U.S. diplomatic representation hosting the young political leader Succès Masra called on the Chadian government to respect the right of the people to demonstrate and invited the President of the Transformers to leave the embassy’s security perimeter.
It is since Saturday afternoon, only a few hours after the dispersal of the march of opponents to Idriss Déby’s sixth term, that the U.S. Embassy, which welcomed in its security perimeter a dozen protesters, has been in contact with the authorities to obtain security guarantees.
On Monday, the president of the National Human Rights Commission made the trip to the embassy to negotiate his exit, with the leader of the Transformers. But Succès Masra refused, demanding beforehand the release of all his companions arrested and charged.
Since Monday, the telephone has been working between the embassy and the Chadian authorities who promise that nothing will happen to the young leader, hence the decision of the Americans, in the name of neutrality, to ask him to leave the perimeter of the diplomatic representation.
But Succès Masra, who praises the action of the American embassy, takes the Chadian authorities at their word: “I officially ask the Ministry of Justice to arrest me, because I take full responsibility for everything that would have been caused as acts, in this case, nothing at all. So that’s fundamental. »
Meanwhile, the consensus movement behind last Saturday’s march called for new marches on Saturday and next Monday.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia