Mali: Forsat commander Oumar Samaké locked up again

This time, Mr. Samaké was placed under arrest at Camp 1 of the gendarmerie.
Charged on Friday with murder, aggravated assault and battery, and fatal blows, the commander of the Anti-Terrorist Force Oumar Samaké was released from the central prison of Bamako shortly after his incarceration, following a police demonstration. Only this Monday, he went alone to the gendarmerie, at the request of the Minister of Security, Colonel Daoud Aly Mohammedine.
In the morning, the police unions, Divisional Commissioner Oumar Samaké and the Minister of Security held an emergency meeting on the issue. It was at the end of this meeting, according to a security source, that the Minister asked the Forsat commander to return to prison.
It should be noted that the forced release of Commissioner Samaké, who was imprisoned in the central prison of Bamako under pressure from his fellow police officers, was seriously criticized by the magistrates’ unions, some politicians and even ordinary citizens.

About Geraldine Boechat 2962 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia