Another of Algeria’s malicious propaganda & ploys against Morocco unveiled by Tanzania Peace Foundation

Another of the Algerian regime’s malicious propaganda and ploys against Morocco has just been unveiled by the president of the Tanzania Peace Foundation Sadiki Godigodi who flatly denied a statement attributed to him and bearing a forged signature that was relayed by the Algerian Press Agency, APS, mouthpiece of the Algerian authorities.

The TPF’s president denied as “false and immoral” the allegations of the document fabricated by the Algerian regime concerning the final statement issued by a conference held on October 16 in Dar ES-Salaam.

The conference, co-organized by the TPF and the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) and held under the topic “The Imperative of Post-Covid Recovery: How Can the Resolution of the Sahara Issue spur African Stability and Integration?” in Dar Es-Salaam, had called for the expulsion of the pseudo-SADR, self-proclaimed by the Algeria-backed separatist polisario, from the African Union (AU).

The expulsion of “SADR, which has “no attributes of a sovereign state”, will correct a “burdensome historical error” that was inherited from the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and that discredits the AU in its Constitutive Act stipulating that the Union must only bring together sovereign states, said the participants in the Conference in a final statement.

The participants in the Conference were unanimous in stressing that the resolution of the Moroccan Sahara issue necessarily requires the expulsion of this puppet entity, a “source of division and instability” in Africa.

Infuriated by the content of the conference’s final statement, Algerian authorities fabricated another statement in line with their theses and animosity towards Morocco.

The chairman of the Tanzania Peace Foundation denied the content of such a fake document, and assured in an official statement that the news circulated by APS and relayed by some media outlets are false and that both the signature and the seal affixed to the document are forged.

The Tanzania Peace Foundation reaffirms strongly the positive and effective participation of its members in the conference, as well as its commitment to all the conclusions and recommendations issued by the conference.
The TPF also renews its commitment not only to the outcome of the conference but also to the content of the final statement issued on 16 October 202I by the two Tanzanian think-Thanks at the end of the conference.

The Tanzania Peace Foundation strongly confirms the authenticity of this present statement, declaring that any news issued, in the name of the TPF by any media outlet or social network, that are contrary to the content of this present statement should be considered as a fake news and does not express the TPF’s orientations and the participants’ standpoints concerning the Sahara issue.

The fabricated document disseminated by APS evidences once again the vile manipulations the Algerian regime resorts to and shows the lack of credibility of its mouthpiece.

The Dar-Es-Salaam conference brought together dozens of participants, including from Rwanda, Kenya, the Comoros Islands, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique and South Africa.
In their addresses, the participating experts, academics, members of Think-Tanks, researchers and eminent African politicians were unanimous in pleading for the expulsion of the chimerical Sahrawi republic from the African Union.


About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4622 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network