Chad sets August for national dialogue including armed groups

The military junta in Chad has set 20 August as the date for a national reconciliation dialogue that has been postponed several times since it took power 15 months ago, while it still cannot reach an agreement with the rebels or with the opposition.
Following the death of President Idriss Déby Itno, who was killed at the front against rebels in April 2021, his son, the young General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, was proclaimed president at the head of a Transitional Military Council of 15 generals. He immediately promised free and democratic elections within 18 months, after an ‘inclusive national dialogue’ with the entire political opposition and all the countless rebel groups.
But after 30 years of very authoritarian rule by Idriss Déby, this national reconciliation forum, initially scheduled for 15 February and then 10 May, was postponed, mainly because a pre-dialogue in Doha for a peace agreement between the junta and some fifty rebel groups has been stalled for four months.
“The inclusive national dialogue is convened from 20 August,” reads a decree of the Transitional Military Council signed on Thursday by the junta-appointed prime minister, Albert Pahimi Padacké,
The authorities do not specify at any time how to start this dialogue if the fifty or so armed rebel groups negotiating with them in the Qatari capital since 13 March do not reach an agreement and if the main platform of the unarmed opposition, Wakit Tamma, does not return to the talks it suspended on 6 April with the junta, whose power it refuses to acknowledge.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia