The country will present its candidacy for the UN human rights Commission for the 2025/2027 mandate, so it should “be right at home,” argued Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva on Wednesday.
The Cape Verdean Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva reaffirmed, this Wednesday (08.03), the commitment of the country to comply with and implement international conventions and promised to “do even better” before the candidacy for the United Nations Human Rights Commission.
“Cape Verde has had a positive course in strengthening the values of human rights and citizenship. It is in the country’s interest to fulfill and implement the commitments that the country is bound by through international conventions, they are the expression of the values of human dignity and respect for human rights in which we believe,” said the head of government.
Speaking at the inauguration of the new president of the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship (CNDHC), the Prime Minister recalled that the country will submit its candidacy for the United Nations human rights commission for the 2025 to 2027 term, so it must “be well at home” in order to be demanding at the international level.