Morocco’s Flag Carrier Announces Launch of Casablanca-Abuja Direct Route

Morocco’s airline Royal Air Maroc (RAM) announced, at a ceremony held recently in Abuja, the launch as of June 23 of a direct route linking Casablanca and the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

The new route to Abuja will operate three times a week (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday).

“We are gathered together to celebrate a major event that will mark relations between Morocco and Nigeria and give them a new impetus”, said Moroccan ambassador in Abuja, Moha Ou Ali Tagma, at a meeting that brought together representatives of Nigeria’s major travel agencies and institutional and commercial partners.

“June 23 will be a great day. It will represent an important completion of efforts to bring Morocco and Nigeria closer together, making Abuja a city very close and just a few hours away from Casablanca”, added Tagma.

After Cameroon, Nigeria will be the second African country to be served by RAM on two cities: Lagos with a daily flight and soon Abuja, with three frequencies a week, he said.

Slowly but surely, Morocco and Nigeria are building a strategic partnership, he stressed.

“The gas pipeline project that will link Nigeria to Morocco and Europe, the fertilizer manufacturing plants and OCP’s planned complex in Akwa Ibom State for fertilizer production bear witness to this willingness to build this partnership between the two countries,” added the Moroccan diplomat.