Nigeria-Cameroon submarine cable system launched

MainOne, West Africa’s leading telecoms and network services provider, has announced the completion and launch of the high capacity Nigerian-Cameroon Submarine Cable System (NCSCS).

This submarine cable, connecting Lagos, Nigeria, and Kribi, Cameroon, will heighten demand for reliable broadband connectivity in Cameroon, and play a key role in the country’s plans to provide universal internet access across the country via a National Broadband Network.

According to MainOne’s Regional Executive for West Africa, Kazeem Oladepo, with the installation of the six-pair, 1,100-kilometre repeater submarine cable system that will deliver speeds of up to 12.8Tbps, and 40GB capacity, it will help “to catalyze social, economic and technological development” in Cameroon

“As part of our strategy to boost West Africa’s economic and commercial development, we will continue to make deliberate and significant investments in connectivity projects that will facilitate increased access to broadband,” said Oladepo

On his part, General Manager David Nkoto Emane of Cameroon Telecommunications Corporation (CAMTEL) said the installation of the Nigeria-Cameroon submarine cable will help boost internet connection and also lower internet cost in the country.

“The NCSCS system enables us to provide users with faster bandwidth connectivity at a significantly lower cost. By providing a direct connection to Nigeria, the cable system will also serve to enhance Cameroon’s position as the major bandwidth hub in the region and internationally to Europe and beyond,” said Nkoto.

The NCSCS is Cameroon’s first submarine cable with all investment provided solely by the Cameroon Government. Spanning approximately 1,100 km, marine installation of the NCSCS system began in June 15, 2015, to provide a direct link between Kribi in Cameroon with Lagos in Nigeria. The system also incorporates branching units for future connection to Escravos and Qua Iboe in Nigeria’s Southeast region.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia