Mali: Former Secretary General of the Presidency arrested by intelligence services

The former secretary general of the presidency, Kalilou Doumbia, has been missing since Monday and is reportedly being held by State Security.
It was he who read out on television on May 24 the decree appointing the short-lived new transitional government, the composition of which aroused the anger of Assimi Goïta – the transitional president was vice-president at the time – and the overthrow, arrest and detention under house arrest of Prime Minister Moctar Ouane and President Bah N’Daw. Kalilou Doumbia, Secretary General of the presidency with ministerial rank, took refuge in an embassy.
Kalilou Doumbia had since resumed his life as a teacher-researcher. A lawyer by training, Kalilou Doumbia left his home early Monday afternoon for the University of Law in Bamako, where he teaches. His colleagues never saw him arrive. His family tried to contact him without success until the evening and finally decided to report his disappearance the next morning to the police.
However, according to information gathered, Kalilou Doumbia was arrested by the State Security, the Malian intelligence service, and has since been interrogated and detained at the Kati military camp.
The reasons for his arrest are not known, but some sources assure that Kalilou Doumbia had on several occasions, and until very recently, been solicited by Colonel Assimi Goïta himself, who wanted to work with him. He reportedly declined the colonel’s offer.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia