Ghana to criminalise the promotion of homosexuality

The text was first examined on 2 August and is entitled “Defence of appropriate Ghanaian sexual and family values”. The parliamentary committee in charge of studying the proposal resumed its hearings on Monday 29 November. A hundred or so personalities have begun to give their opinions, the same ones who have already submitted a memorandum on this subject.
On 11 November, the first hearings had been suspended on the same day due to lack of time. No impediment this time, but still no consensus. For the promoters of the text, this proposal is necessary to help LGBT people “convert” to heterosexuality. For its detractors, this project is not necessary because Ghanaian law already criminalises homosexuality.
For the director of the NGO LGBT+ Rights Ghana, Alex Kofi Donkor, there is no doubt that if the bill is passed as it stands, it will aggravate homophobia and discrimination against sexual minorities, and could set a bad example for other countries in the region.