The Cape Verdean Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, announced in the traditional Christmas message, that the TACV airline, renationalized in 2021, will fly again to Boston, in the United States, next year.
“We are committed to improving inter-island air and maritime transport. TACV is being restored. Our communities in the US are waiting for TACV to fly to Boston again. That will happen next year,” assured the head of the government, in the traditional Christmas message to the country.
Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde (TACV) was sold (51%) to Icelandic investors and renationalized in July 2021 due to the covid-19 pandemic, having resumed flights only in December last year.
Initially with flights only between Praia and Lisbon, with only one aircraft, the flights were extended this year from the islands of São Vicente and Sal to the Portuguese capital.
Also in the message, the Prime Minister stressed that the country is celebrating Christmas still marked by crises, but that it managed to fight them thanks to several measures that were taken.
“Our action, recognized as exemplary by international organizations, serves as a good example of what we are capable of doing as a Government and as a Nation,” Correia e Silva said, saying that it is with this “spirit of unity and confidence” that he intends to enter 2023.
He also noted that the economy has returned to growth after a sharp drop in 2020, putting the country in a position to create jobs again and reduce poverty.
“We have today a youth with an entrepreneurial attitude that invests in its training, innovates, creates companies and creates jobs,” he noted, saying that the country has reason to be confident.
“We have overcome the crisis, we are a resilient people with ambition to develop. Cape Verde is a democracy respected in the world,” he was proud, outlining the eradication of extreme poverty as a major priority for the coming years.