Angola: Teachers vote for moratorium on their strike

Angolan teachers decided to agree on a 13-day moratorium in order to respond to the demands contained in their demand booklet.
With this moratorium, the third phase of the teachers’ strike, which was scheduled for January 3 to 30, 2023, is now suspended.
This decision means that the approximately 220 thousand teachers of the first and second cycle of public education in Angola, will resume classes in the whole country, on January 03, 2023, different from what had been initially foreseen in the teachers’ strike schedule.
According to Edmar Ginguma, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers (SINPROF), the assemblies held at the national level, produced a technical impact, where 9 provinces voted in favor of the third phase of the strike and nine in favor of the moratorium requested by the employer.
The union leadership found a tie-breaker by counting the individual votes where the teachers in favor of the moratorium won by four votes.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia