Angola: President wants to avoid too many Court of Auditors’ approvals on public contracts

The Angolan President, João Lourenço, defended on the 19th of June the need for the Court of Auditors (TdC) to avoid too many approvals in public infrastructure contracts, considering that there will be occasions in which a previous approval from the TdC will be dispensable.
Addressing the new judge president of the TdC and the other judges of that body, who were sworn in Monday, João Lourenço said that his Government is at a good pace in the construction of infrastructures, and that he intends to accelerate even more.
He appealed to the advisory judges of the Court of Auditors, and in particular to its president judge, Sebastião Domingos Gunza, to create more capacity so that the body can accompany the rhythm of work of his executive.
“See in which situations the approval of the Court of Auditors should be a prior approval, but there will certainly be cases in which, perhaps, there is no need for the approval to be prior,” observed João Lourenço. “We would not like to see the Court of Auditors appearing to public opinion as a bottleneck factor in our rhythm of execution of projects”, he signaled, particularly regarding the energy, water, health, and education infrastructures.
The Angolan President swore in Sebastião Domingos Gunza as president of the TdC (who also retired as Chief commissioner of the National Police), four other judges of this body and a counselor judge of the Supreme Court.
Manuel da Cruz Neto, Sebastião Jorge Diogo Bessa, Armindo Gideão Kinjiquisse Jelembi and Januário José Domingos (Audit Court) and Carlos Alberto Cavuquila (Supreme Court) are the judges also sworn in at the ceremony, which took place at the Presidential Palace.

About Geraldine Boechat 3040 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia