Nigerian Authorities Crack Down on Russian Flag-Making Tailors amid Protests

In a surprising turn of events, Nigerian authorities have detained several tailors for crafting Russian flags used in recent anti-government demonstrations. This move highlights growing concerns about Russian influence in West Africa. The state secret police, known as the Department of State Services (DSS), also apprehended some alleged “sponsors” of these tailors, though details remain scarce.

The country’s top military official General Christopher Musa labeled the use of foreign flags during protests as treasonous, promising severe consequences for those involved.

“We see that among those waving flags, there are many children, who have been incited to do this. We’re investigating who’s behind this, because we know where these flags were made, and we’re going to punish them. The President has made it clear that we will not accept anyone disturbing the peace and tranquility of the country.”

Meanwhile, some claim that the colors of the Nigerian army flag are the same as those of the Russian flag, and that this is a mistake. The Chief of Defense Staff also warned against any coup d’Ă©tat. A response to some demonstrators calling for a return to military rule.

This crackdown comes on the heels of widespread demonstrations against President Bola Tinubu’s economic reforms, which have led to soaring inflation and the partial elimination of fuel and electricity subsidies.

While the Russian embassy in Nigeria has denied any involvement, the incident has raised eyebrows among Western observers. Some experts suggest that the use of Russian flags reflects growing discontent with government policies rather than genuine support for Russian-backed military rule. The situation continues to evolve, with authorities promising further investigation into the matter.