Mozambique: Construction of peace memorial in Gorongosa Mountains


The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, announced on Wednesday August 07 before the parliament an agreement with Renamo to build a National Peace Memorial in the Gorongosa Mountains, the place where the end of hostilities was agreed upon in 2019.

“We exchanged this vision with the Renano leadership. The memorial will pay tribute to the protagonists of the peace processes in Mozambique and make Gorongosa a national and international benchmark in the construction of peace, tolerance and reconciliation,” announced the Head of State, while giving his annual assessment of the state of the nation at the Assembly of the Republic in Maputo.

On August 1, 2019, the Agreement for the Definitive Cessation of Military Hostilities was signed in Gorongosa between the government and the leader of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), Ossufo Momade, after years of talks in that mountain range in central Mozambique with the historic leader and founder Afonso Dhlakama (1953-2018).

The Peace and National Reconciliation Agreement was signed in Maputo on August 6, 2019 between the current Mozambican head of state and the president of Renamo.

Last week marked five years since the signing of these last two agreements, which are still in force and led to the demilitarization of Renamo.