King Mohammed VI Calls for Inclusive Development in Africa

King Mohammed VI has called for the elaboration of inclusive human and economic development programs in Africa, based on a regional or continental vision.

In a message read out on his behalf by royal adviser Yassir Znagui at the 10th “World Policy Conference”, convened Friday in Marrakech, the Moroccan Sovereign stressed the need to support the African Continent, which “has managed to shape its own destiny thanks to the bold medium and long-term structural reforms undertaken in various sectors”.

“It is our responsibility to foster innovative strategies and ambitious policies which should not only be based on the accomplishments that have already been made, but which should also draw inspiration from successful initiatives at global level”, the Monarch added in his message.

These strategies and policies should be adapted to “our diverse social, economic and cultural realities”, he underlined, stressing the need to streamline institutions, promote good governance and significantly improve the way public funds are used.

“Today, Africa’s tremendous assets in terms of human capital offer an exceptional opportunity to achieve progress. Being part and parcel of a constructive drive to transform the Continent’s economy, young Africans, far from being a handicap, are a major asset in this regard”, the King argued.

Through the development and implementation of sound educational, vocational training and health policies, “we should be able to ensure better integration of these young people into the socio-economic fabric of our countries. This would result in stronger, inclusive, and sustained growth that would create jobs and boost productivity”, he went on to say.

Touching on the economic input of agriculture, King Mohammed VI deplored that the continent’s abundant natural resources are not fully exploited, and called for changes in the farming sector at all levels, from primary production to agro-industrial value chains. This would unleash the full potentials of the agricultural sector and lead to the “Green Revolution”, based on a large-scale overhaul of technology and production methods suited to the African context and consistent with the requirements of climate change.

“It is gratifying to see that Morocco’s commitments in terms of accelerating agricultural growth and achieving sustainable development in Africa are helping to meet food needs of Africans on a continental scale”, said King Mohammed VI.

As for Africa’s industrial sector, “it is still not competitive. The two main challenges facing Africa’s industry are the development of innovative activities and the training of a skilled workforce”, explained the Sovereign.

Alongside private investment, “new forms of financing and partnerships must gradually be developed in order to encourage the growth of transformative projects and speed up their implementation”, he said.

He also stressed the urgent need to solve, definitively and pragmatically, the issue of the lack of infrastructure on the Continent. “We all know that where there are roads, connectivity and networks, development takes hold and precariousness ceases to exist”.

The 10th World Policy Conference, convening this November 3 through 5, is attended by eminent figures from a wide range of backgrounds who gathered in Marrakech to discuss major regional and global issues.

Founded in 2008, the World Policy Conference (WPC) is an independent organization, which aims to contribute to improving all aspects of governance, with a view to promoting a world that is more open, more prosperous, fairer and more respectful of the diversity of States and Nations.

Its annual meeting brings together leading figures from all five continents – political and business leaders, representatives of civil society, academics and journalists – in a climate of trust and a spirit of tolerance to examine, discuss, and suggest constructive solutions to major regional and international challenges.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4434 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network