Gabon: Coronavirus invades oil production sites

In Gabon, the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic was reached last May. Data on the pandemic are significantly down. However, the virus has just emerged at the heart of the Gabonese economy. Last week, 125 oil employees tested positive for Covid-19 at three oil production sites. Concerned, Health Minister Guy Patrick Obiang Ndong made a field visit last weekend.
According to several sources, the coronavirus has infiltrated the Port-Gentil oil sites. Port-Gentil, Gabon’s black gold city and economic capital, the second largest city in Gabon, does not have a laboratory for Covid testing. Until a few days ago, oil employees were accessing the sites without having carried out any tests. All were undergoing a simple temperature check for 14 days.
As for the employees of the sector based in Libreville, they undergo about fourteen with a negative test to hope to reach their work station.
The oil companies are lobbying for a laboratory to be set up in Port-Gentil. In the meantime, almost all of the oil sector employees who tested positive have left the production sites for the Tchengué regional hospital in Port-Gentil, and some worrying cases have been transferred to Libreville.
Despite this situation, oil production is not currently impacted, according to a source close to the Ministry of Oil.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia