DRC: Death threats over Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege

President Felix Tshisekedi is concerned about the safety of Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege. During the Council of Ministers, the head of state instructed the government to ensure his safety and to open an investigation into death threats against the doctor who “repairs” women.
The Congolese Nobel Peace Prize winner is being intimidated. Denis Mukwege’s advocacy for peace in the east of the country is disturbing some minds. According to President Félix Tshisekedi, intimidation, hate mail and death threats are the daily reality of the “repairman” of abused women.
Dr. Mukwege proposes the establishment of an international criminal tribunal for the DRC. In his view, this tribunal would be called upon to judge the serious crimes that have been committed in the country against the civilian population since the outbreak of the AFDL war in 1996. Denis Mukwege was then a doctor at the Lemera hospital, the first target of the invaders.
For President Félix Tshisekedi, Mukwege’s action is a call for awareness of the violence in the east of the country. During the government meeting, the Minister of Interior and his colleague from Justice were charged with ensuring the safety of the Nobel Peace Prize winner. An investigation should also be opened into this matter.
Foreign diplomats in Kinshasa also expressed concern about the threats against Dr. Mukwege, and expressed support for the doctor who founded the Panzi hospital where abused women in Kivu are treated. In October 2012, Dr Mukwege was the target of a violent armed attack. He and his family were forced out of the country by Monusco troops.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia