Angolan Businessmen Association condemns Chinese “invasion’’

Angolan economic agents and analysts believe that national sovereignty has never been so threatened as it has been in the last five years in Angola.
Reason, they say, is that foreigners are taking over almost all business and relegating the nationals themselves to second place.
There are several nationalities that according to the Association of Angolan Businessmen are taking over all the economic sectors of the country, but the national producers emphasize the Chinese as leaders of what they call “invasion”.
According to the Angolan business associative leader Francisco Viana “we see an invasion of foreigners that start to rule Angola, many sectors of the Chinese community the dominance that they already exert is scandalous”. Viana added that “they export and distribute here, now they are also making factories, we have a big and serious problem of national sovereignty.
“The nefarious invasion of foreigners and it’s not just Chinese but they are leading in various sectors, are in the sea everything that is bug catching, killing, taking care etc, are in the exploitation of wood, and are in cahoots with our rulers, “he added
We spoke with the national producer of the Ganda region, Rui Magalhaes, who said he agreed with the opinion of national entrepreneurs and accused the Chinese involved in agriculture of using methods that destroy the land.
“We have! The Chinese are entering agriculture and deteriorating our soil because they use too much sulfur, who controls this?”, he questioned. “These Lebanese who are in business here, so a poor individual leaves there from his land, to come and open a canteen here! This is not possible,” he said.
“We’re all happy because more and more shopping centers are opening, but it’s all Portugal exporting its products here,” he added
Rui Magalhaes also said that national businessmen are “at a super disadvantage in relation to foreigners and from now on we will only have to go to informality” and added that foreign groups that enter Angola “the first step they take is to try to corrupt the structure.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia