Morocco, EU express shared keenness to deepen dialogue, bolster cooperation

Morocco and the European Union (EU) have expressed, Thursday in Rabat, their shared keenness to deepen dialogue and bolster cooperation, within the framework of the strategic partnership established between the two parties.

This was expressed during separate talks held in Rabat this Thursday between the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, and Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch and Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita.

Borrell, who is currently visiting Morocco, the department of the Head of Government said in a statement.

During his meeting with Borrell, Akhannouch welcomed the momentum witnessed in relations between the Kingdom and the EU, which has helped structure the partnership between the two parties and improve it at different levels.

He welcomed, in this regard, the positive results of the partnership in the areas of agriculture and fisheries, finance, investment, green economy, migration and security.

The Head of Government also commended the level of trade between the two parties which has enabled Morocco to position itself as the first economic and commercial partner of the European Union on the African continent, the level of trade between the two parties having reached, in 2021, more than €45 billion and tripled in 10 years.

Akhannouch also expressed satisfaction at the harmony and concordance between the agenda of social and economic reforms undertaken by Morocco under the enlightened leadership of King Mohammed VI, and the support provided by the European Union to these projects, a number of which will be implemented in 2023.

During the talks between the European official and Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, the two men affirmed the two partners’ willingness to strengthen their cooperation, and protect their partnership.

The European Union is a key strategic partner for Morocco, which is working to strengthen this partnership in various fields, said Bourita at a joint press conference following the meeting.

For his part, Josep Borrell affirmed the European Union’s desire to broaden and deepen partnership with Morocco which “is based on shared values”, underlining that the common objective is to build up a more ambitious partnership.

The head of European diplomacy also announced two new initiatives to strengthen this partnership.

These are a high-level dialogue on security that will be organized in Rabat soon, and enhanced cooperation in multilateral bodies between Morocco and the European Union. In this context, he said “multilateral international architecture must be reviewed,” adding that the initiatives carried out by the countries of the North and the South have their place in this process of renewal.

Borrell is on a two-day official visit to Morocco, which is intended to provide an opportunity for an in-depth discussion on the implementation of the EU-Morocco partnership, including in the context of the new Mediterranean Agenda.

The historic partnership between Morocco and the European Union has continued to develop in recent years, becoming a reference in the EU’s neighborhood policy.


About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4434 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network