Morocco: King Mohammed VI gives instructions to provide care to quake victims at working session in Rabat

King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, chaired, on Saturday afternoon, September 9, 2023, in the Royal Palace in Rabat, a working session devoted to examining the situation following the earthquake that hit Morocco on Friday, causing human and material losses in various regions of the kingdom, said a press release issued by the Royal Office.

During the working session, King Mohammed VI has given his instructions to expeditiously continue field relief efforts and provide care to the victims of the deadly powerful quake that hit Morocco, killing at least 1,037 people and injuring over 1,000, according to an updated death toll.

The Monarch declared three days of national mourning with the half-masting of national flags on all public facilities.

During this session, the Monarch was briefed by the officials on the latest developments in the affected prefectures and provinces, notably in some localities that were inaccessible during the evening and where the situation point and relief intervention were not possible until sunrise, said the press release of the Royal Office.

The King was also informed about the measures taken to quickly address this large-scale natural catastrophe. These emergency measures, subject to royal instructions and constant follow-up by since the first moments that followed the earthquake, included the intervention of the Royal Armed Forces, local authorities, security services, Protection civil units as well as the ministries concerned.

The emergency measures focused on reinforcing the national blood stock, supplying drinking water to affected areas, distributing food kits, tents and blankets to the affected population, quickly resuming public services.
Upon the Instructions of King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), the Royal Armed Forces urgently deployed significant human and logistical air and land resources, as well as specialized intervention modules based on search and rescue teams and a medical-surgical field hospital, said the Royal Office statement.

King Mohammed VI has given his instructions to immediately set up an inter-ministerial commission in charge of carrying out an emergency rehabilitation and aid program to reconstruct as soon as possible the destroyed homes in the affected areas.

The goal is to encourage economic operators for a quick resumption of activities in the affected areas. It was also decided to open a special bank account at Treasury and Bank Al Maghrib to receive the voluntary solidarity contributions of citizens as well as private and public instructions.

With all its components, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity will ensure full mobilization to support citizens in affected areas. The emphasis has also been placed on creating stocks of basic necessities (medicines, tents, beds, food…etc.) in every region of the Kingdom to prepare for any type of disaster.

The King, Commander of the Faithful, also gave his Instructions to the minister of Islamic Affairs to perform the Absent Prayer (Salat Al Ghaib) in all mosques throughout the Kingdom, for the rest of the victims’ souls.
The Sovereign also expressed the sincere thanks of the kingdom of Morocco to all brotherly and friendly countries that expressed their solidarity with the Moroccan people on this situation, and many of which expressed their readiness to provide aid in these special circumstances.


About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4434 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network